Cable kit for storage 2m communication cable between Solis inverter and Weco 5K3 XP battery Weco RJ45 €7.70 2m communication cable between Solis inverter and Weco 5K3 XP. View
WECO Battery box connection system WECO 5k3 XP high voltage Weco ZZT-HV-BOX-XP €1,021.88 WECO 5k3 XP high voltage battery management system. Add to basket
WECO Battery box connection system WECO 5k3 XP type A photovoltaic storage Weco HV-BOX-G2-WECO €801.90 WECO 5k3 XP high voltage battery management system. Add to basket
Cable kit for storage Connection kit between Weco 5k3 XP batteries and between batteries and inverter Weco KIT-5K3XP-LV €77.00 Connection kit between Weco 5k3 XP batteries and between batteries and inverter Add to basket
WECO Lithium battery Weco 5K3 XP 5.3kWh inverter photovoltaic storage Weco 5K3-XP-EU €1,540.00 Weco 5K3 XP batteries are a cutting-edge technology for long-term energy security. Add to basket
WECO Lithium battery ZCS-Weco 5K3 XP 5.8kWh inverter photovoltaic storage Weco ZZT-BAT-6KWH-WXP €2,401.85 The ZCS-Weco 5K3 XP batteries for ZCS Azzurro hybrid inverters and storage systems are the best solution for optimising energy independence in residential applications. Add to basket